GB-London: Graduate Recruitment
Competitive Contract Award Notice
Associated Parent Notice
CompetitiveContractNotice - GB-London: Graduate Recruitment
1. Title: GB-London: Graduate Recruitment
2. Awarding Authority:
Financial Conduct Authority
12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom
Tel. 0207 066 6434, Email:
Attn: Kevin McMahon
3. Contract Type: Services
Sub Type: Personnel placement and supply services.
4. Description: Recruitment services. The scope includes all activities related to the recruitment of candidates for the FCA 2020 Graduate & Intern Programme. This will include advertising, sourcing, assessment and administration.
The service relates only to graduates and interns. All other recruitment is out of scope.
The FCA is seeking a supplier to provide application processing and administration services for our graduate recruitment programmes. Assessment is required for all candidates whether internal or external, and the provider will be expected to represent the FCA employer values at all times.
The suppler will be required to keep us abreast of innovation in the market and make sound recommendations for change. The successful supplier will always be mindful of ensuring a positive candidate experience that reflects FCA values.
5. CPV Codes:
79600000 - Recruitment services.
6. NUTS Codes :
7. Main Site or Location of Works, Main Place of Delivery or Main Place of Performance: UNITED KINGDOM,
8. Reference Attributed by the Awarding Authority:
9. Awarded to:
GTI Recruiting Solutions
National ID: 03977847, The Fountain Building, Howberry Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8BA, United Kingdom
Tel. 01491 826 262
Attn: Hannah Harrison
Value Cost: 184,565
Is Awardee likely to subcontract?: No Awarded to SME?: No
10. Date of Contract Award: 23/07/2020
11. Number of Tenders Received: Not Provided
12. Other Information:
Other Information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.
To view this notice, please click here:
Suitable for VCO: No
Procedure Type:OPEN
Period of Work Start date: 14/09/2020
Period of Work End date: 13/09/2021